大家好!又係我二少爺。今次重溫Suede 在1997 年出版《Sci-Fi Lullabies 》大碟中的 《Another No One 》。一首描寫情侶分手的歌。
一對同居情侶終於要分手了。女的執拾好行李,在一個清晨搬離前男友的住所。她電召一部計程車來接她走,她點起一支煙。雖然這刻她分手,但世界仍如常運轉。她心情平服地跟前男友說:「這段感情落幕了,終於玩完了,你再搵另一個人來代替我,來執拾你呢個衰人嘅爛攤子 啦!」她在的士內感受車窗外的太陽。她打電話給母親告知一切。世界仍如常運轉,又是另一天的新開始。她感覺 OK ,世界仍然一切如常。
一個淡然的分手情景,因為Suede 是英國樂隊,我幻想到歌曲畫面是發生在倫敦近郊某條蕭條的街上,一個晨曦初現的寒冷清晨,女的獨自把行李搬上黑色的計程車,把煙擠熄後,平靜地乘車離開這個曾經居住過的地方。
我幾十歲人,我話無經歷過分手都係呃大家啫。不過,我的性格不是激動型,所以像電視劇中的「冒雨狂奔狂叫」的分手情節一概欠奉。無論被飛或飛人,我的分手故事都是淡淡然。既然大家都分手啦,就無謂「wher 爛塊臉」互揭瘡疤啦,係咪?
我喜歡其中一句歌詞:「the world smiles 」。雖然感情發生波折,但世界仍然如常轉運。偏偏有一些執迷的人把愛情看得好重,承受唔到分手的打擊,便先去殺人,之後畏罪自殺,成為報紙頭條。唉~ 何苦呢?
Another No One - Suede
She takes the blame, takes the pain but the world smiles
Cos outside is just a taxi ride to drive away
So she packs her bag, calls a cab and the world smiles
And inside well she feels all right and turns to say:
"Yes it's the end, the final showdown
Yes it's the end of our small love
You'll have to find another no one to take the shit like I have
Well I guess this is the end, I guess this is the end."
She feels the sun, phones her mum and the world smiles
'Cos outside in the morning light it's another day
So she packs her bag, smokes a fag and the world smiles
'Cos inside well she feels all right, and turns to say:
"Yes it's the end, the final showdown
Yes it's the end of our small love
You'll have to find another no one who'll take the shit like I have
Well I guess this is the end, I guess this is the end...
Oh well..."