既然落得山腳就返唔上半山啦,阿Rac上網找services apartment可供暫住一個月,最後選了銅鑼灣某「服務住宅」,月租一萬元,二百尺,唉~ 香港租金真係貴到飛起呀!
上去望吓,嘩!其實只係「高級劏房」:狹窄小房間、小廁所加書桌一張,14吋電視機,小雪櫃唔夠凍,鄰房都是大陸人。跟「羅便臣道的日子」天淵之別!唉~ 有咁耐風流就有咁耐折墮。
最攞命的地方就是這裡的 Wi-Fi 訊號很弱,時有時無。向租務處反映過,可惜整過Router都係咁,好彩還有3G手機可以上網。
半山像個高傲有修養的專業人士,銅鑼灣像個愛熱鬧貪玩的享樂主義者。阿Rac兩者都短暫住過了,兩者都各有優點和缺點,一冷一熱。阿Rac都叫住過啦,迎接下次真正的settle down。
I love the nightlife - Alicia Bridges
Please don't talk about love tonight.
Please don't talk about sweet love.
Please don't talk about being true
and all the trouble we've been through.
Ah, please don't talk about all of the plans
we had for fixin' this broken romance.
I want to go where the people dance.
I want some action ... I want to live!
Action ... I got so much to give.
I want to give it. I want to get some too.
Oh, I ... Ohhh I ... I love the nightlife,
I got to boogie on the disco 'round, oh yea.
Oh, I love the night life,
I got to boogie on the disco 'round, oh yea.
Please don't talk about love tonight.
Your sweet talking won't make it right.
Love and lies just bring me down
when you've got women all over town.
You can love them all and when you're through,
maybe that'll make, huh, a man out of you.
I got to go where the people dance.
I want some action ... I want to live!
Action ... I got so much to give.
I want to give it. I want to get some too.
Oh, I ... Ohhh I ... I love the nightlife,
I got to boogie on the disco 'round, oh yea.
Oh, I love the night life,
I got to boogie on the disco 'round, oh yea.
Your sweet talking won't make it right.
Love and lies just bring me down
when you've got women all over town.
You can love them all and when you're through,
maybe that'll make, huh, a man out of you.
I got to go where the people dance.
I want some action ... I want to live!
Action ... I got so much to give.
I want to give it. I want to get some too.
Oh, I ... Ohhh I ... I love the nightlife,
I got to boogie on the disco 'round, oh yea.
Oh, I love the night life,
I got to boogie on the disco 'round, oh yea.